Elder Foote

Elder Foote

Monday, April 24, 2017


Hey everyone this week was full of blessings. We had two great baptisms and we are hoping to have some more these next two weeks! The husbands of the ladies we baptized are alot harder but we will get em in that freezing cold water! Its getting pretty cold here and its ridiculous! Also people love some chocolate chips cookies and pancakes lol! The work here is good and im stoked to keep working here! I thinking im getting a bit bigger you guys, tell me! Nothing too crazy happened this week, only happiness! Hope all is well with you guys and i want to hear from you guys! love you all have a safe fun week!
Elder Foote

Monday, April 17, 2017

Week 20....Feeling like a missionary

Hey everyone so this week I felt like a missionary! I paid for 6 Bus rides and 2 Train rides in all cents! Had like 23 Reals (Brazilian dollars) in all cents lmao! Also we entered this house to talk about Jesus with one guy and the guy said Jesus was Black and that lesson was so whack! One dog was humping my companion the whole time lmao and when we asked him to say a prayer he said yes and said a conference prayer like 5 minutes long and the dog switched to me and started humping my leg and i kept kicking the dang dog!
 Just out here working and we have a baptism this Saturday and possibly one Sunday if a lady wants to or she can wait next week to get baptized with her husband! Also I walked into church and I guess I had to give a talk that I wasnt aware of and so I did a 10 minute talk and then after the teacher for the next class didnt show up so we taught an hour lesson! This week was pretty alright im hoping it'll keep going up! I miss you all and I hope you guys have a safe week! Keep me updated with your lives! 
Elder Foote

Monday, April 10, 2017

Week 19 Sapiranga

Hey everyone! So its my first transfers and I'm in a whole new world! Its much different here! So rich and cool here and like the city is surrounded by a freaking jungle or something! Also the work here is just alright. No one wants to hear from us, only the girls that want me cause I'm so good looking, ya know! But nothing too exciting has happened! Just out here putting in work and about to baptize here! love you all and have a safe lovely week! Te Amo Tchê!

Elder Foote

                                Missionary Selfie
My Sapiranga view
All missioned out...

My gnome

Monday, April 3, 2017

Week 18 Tranfers Baby!!!!!

Hey everyone! This week was pretty good! We had two baptisms this week and our Zone Leaders had one and we were all at the same building so we had three! Also it was conference which was pretty good of what i could understand! Also today I'll be leaving the area of Vista Alegre and I'll be going to Sapiranga! Woohoo I'm so stoked for this baby! Gonna baptize like crazy i hope! Also will meet my New companion there! I love you all! Have a safe good week! Sorry this email is short gotta catch the Bus lol.
Elder Foote

Who doesn't love some good ol microwave popcorn with your nightly reading.