Elder Foote

Elder Foote

Monday, January 30, 2017


Hey Everybody!!!!!! Well this week flew by and seriously nothing happened really, it was so freaking easy.  On Monday, we had P-Day and that was fun as heck and then Tuesday we went to the temple which was so cool cause it was the Porto Alegre Temple and that was an all day thing and we ate at Burger King after. Wednesday we had a transmission of all missionaries around the world and that took like all day and so it was way easy but we did get more sleep baby! Thursday we went to work I think, I can't really remember lol and Friday.  We had splits and I had my very first Snake Encounter!!!!
We went to the freaking super market and the lady asked where I was from and I said United States and she tried to get all up in me asking me all these questions like what the! Freaking ladies everywhere, cant get away from them. Then Saturday we had two baptism interviews and that took all day.
 So this week nothing really crazy, sorry my dearest friends! :(
 I love you all and have a safe freaking wild week. 
Elder Foote

Monday, January 23, 2017

Week 8

Whats up everybody?? Well its my second week in the field and honestly its so much fun! Its freaking whack though lmao. Sometimes i can understand people and their needs and i can talk back pretty good no lie, but mostly other times i have no idea what people are saying and i feel like a lost child. This is how my week went we had so many investagators but we had to drop 12 of them becuase they didnt want our lessons or baptism they really just wanted to look at me. ;) Then we were also supposed to have a baptism this week and i was super stoked becasue i was gonna baptize him but he didnt have his interview or show up to church. :( OKAY people get ready for my interesting parts of this week. I was on splits and some lady asked my companion to marry her and shes like 35 and was saying her dad is cousins with Joesph Smith and crazy shiz like that. Shes crazy. Secondly i look like a freaking DIRTY BEANER!!! (mom dont erase that) This tan is whack lmao. Lastly its freaking normal for ladies to pull their boob out to breastfeed and nothing to cover i feel so uncomfortable everytime is happens and i never leave eye contact. okay people update me on your lives. love you all.

Elder Foote

Monday, January 16, 2017

First Area, Vista Alegre

Okay,  well I'm in the field and this is gonna be super short, I don't have much time. I'm in Vista Alegre and my companion is Brazilian and doesn't speak any English. It's super hot and no AC anywhere. I am super confused most of the time and have no idea what most people are saying but  I can catch a few words and get the just of it. Its hard but I'm happy to be here. The houses are super small and people here are super humble so I'm happy to be with them. I love you all.
Elder Foote

Friday, January 6, 2017

E Ai?

Hey everyone. So the same things happen every week. I'll tell you my highlights. So the other day when we teach our lessons, we have other teachers come in sometimes to watch us and like 3 are cool and all the rest stand over you and bug you all the time. Well,  one came in and I was writing my introduction/testimony for the first Sunday in the field because our president said we would need to introduce ourselves. So I'm doing that until I have to go teach and then this lady is like getting all up on me on why I didn't write out my lesson. This is all in Portuguese and then she's like lecturing me on why I have to and made me read something in preach my gospel. Then I'm getting mad and I start arguing back all in Portuguese and my class is watching and some of them are laughing and this goes on for thirty minutes straight until I had to teach. I opened up my preach my gospel and told her I'm preparing myself for the field and had her read a section of relying on the spirit and totally killed her, but she kept telling me I had to write it down. I looked at her and said no and then left and went to go teach my lesson all in Portuguese. Guess what? It was probably my best lesson and the spirit was there way strong and every time I teach I bring my English preach my gospel and that's it, I translate it out for the investigator. It's pretty strange on how I do it, but it works.

New Years wasn't special. We went to bed at 8 cause I didn't care to do anything lol. Got a lot of sleep. I'm still super sick and none of this Brazilian/American medicine has helped. Not much I can do now. I leave for the field on Tuesday then my next P day will be that upcoming Monday. Super stoked and love you all. Have a safe week